Posted on 14th November 2023

AC+ 5-Step Improvement Process

2:57 PM, 14th November 2023
AC+ 5-Step Improvement Process

We know that to achieve powerful teaching that changes lives, teachers need to have strong subject knowledge, the best evidence-based subject pedagogies, rigorous assessment and effective planning, all working together.

That’s why we developed our 5-Step Improvement Process, based on over a decade’s experience of transforming subject results in one of the most respected MATs. An expert consultant will guide you through every step so that you can be confident in success.

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Following a detailed review, a structured diagnostic call with our subject expert lead helps your subject lead to quickly identify areas of focus that will lead to the greatest impact, and to build an improvement plan to achieve these goals consistently with all teachers.​


Inspiring face-to-face induction training for your subject lead and key teachers - and cutting-edge online training on-demand for all - gets everyone engaged and immediately improves teacher confidence.



Access to a full suite of curriculum-integrated subject-specific CPD, planning, teaching and assessment resources supports consistency from day one and frees up teacher time. Designed so that, where necessary, they can be picked up and used straightaway by any teacher, our resources will strengthen the quality of teaching and provide consistency across your school. Precise diagnostic data and planning guidance supports teachers to repurpose this time into higher value activities.

YEARS 1-3:


Once you have the foundations in place, we build on the immediate impact with an exciting journey together to achieve sustainably great subject teaching in your school.

Your subject leader is at the heart, providing crucial in-school leadership and teacher coaching to support this change. Our subject expert lead therefore provides complete support to your subject leader, with regular one-to-one coaching, school visits with joint learning walks, an intensive programme leadership course and insights into wider practice through our conference.

All teachers are supported with an intensive programme of subject pedagogy, bringing them into an expert community. Teachers also go through an individualised journey of subject knowledge development, with bite-sized on-demand videos available just-in-time to support their planning. Your team learn from peers through regular networking opportunities.



Once the programmes are embedded in your classroom, we continue to work with you to ensure the impact is sustained over time.

Induction and CPD for new joiners help ensure your staff stay fully supported.

Regular updates to teaching resources and CPD keep your subject provision fresh, evidence-informed and up to date.

New and unseen benchmarked assessments give you continued confidence that you are on track, and help you identify when you need to refresh subject teaching.

You continue to belong to a network of like-minded schools and stay up to date with new research and evidence.

Together, we will annually review the support needed for the following year to check that the programmes continue to add value in your context and that your children continue to progress and achieve.