Working together at TKAT

Working together at TKAT

‘It’s about working together.. asking what we can do to achieve the best for every child.’

Jenni Richards, Primary Education Director at The Kemnal Academies Trust (TKAT) spoke to us about the trust’s decision to use Maths Mastery and how it represents a sharing across school networks that puts children first.

‘We are a large multi academy trust located across the South-East of England. For us, using Maths Mastery is about bringing structure for schools that need it and having the confidence that we’re using a proven curriculum. For schools with the most challenges, a standardised curriculum can help them turn their schools around.’

Being part of a network like Maths Mastery can make a profound difference for some schools. It gives more remote schools the opportunity to access training and resources they wouldn’t have had access to before. It’s really fundamental to the importance of a network approach, for example small rural schools that aren’t in a multi-academy trust can benefit massively from what Maths Mastery does.’

Jenni sees collaboration between school networks as the best way to improve the lives of children. ‘We all have the same goal. We want to take away the glass ceiling that exists for some children. We want every child to be a confident mathematician. Developing a collective understanding between MATs, for example in how we can improve girls’ confidence in maths, is really important. It’s about working together, having an open dialogue, finding what’s really good, sharing it, and asking what we can do to achieve the best for every child.’

Jenni will speaking at the upcoming Ark Curriculum Plus conference (29 – 30 March), on the topic Empowering Schools to Get the Most from their Complete Curriculum Programme.

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